
I am currently in my final year of pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology, under the guidance of Prof. Vivek Sarkar. Prior to embarking on my Ph.D. journey, I earned a master degree in Computer Science from Rice University in 2017.

My research is primarily centered around ensuring the correctness and enhancing the performance of accelerated applications. Most of my work is related to OpenMP and the LLVM compiler. I work closely with researchers from national laboratories and actively engage with the LLVM and OpenMP communities, while also collaborating with colleagues from various universities.

  • High Performance Computing
  • Program Analysis
  • Debugging
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, August 2024

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Master in Computer Science, 2017

    Rice University

  • Master in Computer Science, 2015

    Xi’an Jiaotong University

  • Bachelor in Software Engineering, 2012

    Xi’an Jiaotong University


Teaching Assistant
January 2023 – May 2023 Georgia, USA
  • CS 6241 Compiler Design
  • Graduate-level compiler course focusing on SSA IR, control & dataflow analysis, and dependence test
  • Redesigned all projects using LLVM 15
Hackathon Mentor
October 2021 – October 2021 New York, USA
  • Helped the application team to solve OpenMP-related issues, including performance issues and concurrency bugs
Compiler Intern
August 2020 – December 2020 Oregon, USA
  • Host: Annemarie Southwell, Simone Atzeni
  • Designed the implementation strategy of OpenMP Tool Interface (OMPT) for NVIDIA’s OpenMP runtime
  • Reported a number of OMPT design issues to the OpenMP community
Compiler Intern
May 2020 – August 2020 California, USA
  • Host: Lei Tian, Adnan Aziz
  • Participated in the development of a performance analysis tool for PyTorch applications
  • Designed a number of new features for the tool and improved the tool’s performance by 14.2 times
  • The optimized performance analysis tool, including all new features, has been deployed in Meta
Visiting Scholar
May 2019 – August 2019 Aachen, Germany
Visiting Scholar
May 2018 – August 2018 Aachen, Germany
Research Intern
May 2017 – August 2017 Tennessee, USA
  • Host: Oscar Hernandez
  • Collaborated with application developers at ORNL to find out potential concurrency bugs in OpenACC applications
Research Intern
May 2016 – August 2016 Tennessee, USA
  • Host: Oscar Hernandez
  • Explored concurrency bug detection algorithms and tools for GPU applications
  • Analyzed Julia’s compiler to figure out the lowering process from Julia AST to LLVM IR
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science
August 2017 – Present Georgia, USA
M.S. in Computer Science
August 2015 – August 2017 Texas, USA
M.S. in Computer Science
September 2012 – June 2015 Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
B.Eng. in Software Engineering
September 2008 – June 2012 Xi’an, Shaanxi, China